Understanding the Drama Triangle Makes It Easier to Interact with Others

2 min read

As ordinary individuals, even if they are neither Victim, Rescuers, or Persecutors, play these roles in everyday situations. The three parts in the Drama Triangle are all intertwined. They don’t exist on their own, yet they complement one another. The other two roles are generally present while playing out any of these three roles they are required to provide the framework for the third, or to maintain it in play. If you rely solely on these theatrical roles to get by in life, you will be stopped in your progress. It is important to break out from Drama dreieck behaviour.

But how can one go about doing so?


There is a solution to Drama Triangle and the roles we are drawn into. It is called The Empowerment Dynamic, and it is like the Drama Triangle, includes three roles, each of which acts as an answer to the Drama Triangle’s three roles in Transaktionsanalyse. Some websites serve as an online personal development platform focusing on the development of Emotional Intelligence, a set of abilities that enable people to manage themselves and interact with others effectively. As a result, leadership, relationships, stress management, decision making, productivity, and individual well-being are all improved.

Emotional Intelligence is the key to dealing with daily stress, relationships, and decisions. It promotes pleasure, well-being, and thriving in practically every facet of life. Understanding the Drama Triangle is a component of their lesson on developing interpersonal skills.

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