How Does an ESA Letter Work?

2 min read

An emotional support animal (ESA) letter is a legal document signed by a registered mental health specialist. It allows you to have your pet with you at all times, such as while traveling or renting a place where pets are not permitted. It is a well-known truth that having a pet around you is one of the finest ways to relieve anxiety. An ESA can provide emotional support to help you manage with stress and mental issues throughout the day.

SECTION 504 OF THE REHABILITATION ACT OF 1973 AND THE FEDERAL FAIR HOUSING AMENDMENTS. A housing provider may not refuse a reasonable accommodation request because the person requesting the accommodation has a disability or a disability-related need for an assistance animal. CONFORMING TO THE AIR CARRIER ACCESS ACT (49 U.S.C. 41705 AND 14 C.F.R. 382). It is illegal for both domestic and international airlines to discriminate on the basis of a passenger’s mental or physical need for an assistance animal to help with their handicap.

Complete the Questionnaire

Discrimination on the basis of a patron’s mental or physical need for an assistance animal to aid with their impairments is forbidden by both domestic and international air carriers.

Pay with Confidence

We use modern encryption standards on our secure payment page. Our customer service representatives will gladly answer any inquiries you may have about emotional support animals or locating a qualified mental health practitioner (LMHP).

Approval of the ESA

An LMHP evaluates your case to see if you are eligible for an emotional support animal. If you do, we will email you the necessary papers the same day.

esa letter

Congrats on receiving your ESA letter!

ESA Care sends you your emotional support animal letter the same day you are approved. You can utilize the esa letter for plane flights, apartments, and other living issues depending on your package.

A therapist or medical practitioner assesses your mental health and determines if you might benefit from an ESA. If he or she chooses yes, you will be issued an ESA letter. Nevertheless, keep in mind that this document is only the beginning of the certification procedure to be certified for an ESA. To put your ESA approval letter into force, you must follow the required procedures.

What are the different kinds?

ESA letters are classified into three types:

  • ESA travel letters
  • ESA letters for housing
  • ESA combo letters (for travel and housing)

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